For our Founder, Scherise Merritt, food was such a major part of her upbringing with almost every memory tying back to a delicious meal with her loud and entertaining Dominican family. However, food also had a negative effect on their health, with family members suffering from diet related illnesses from the same meals she grew up loving. Specifically her grandmother who after many health complications and diet related illnesses had to drastically change her diet.
After some research, Scherise realized that it wasn't the cultural dishes that her and her family enjoyed that were a problem but rather the harmful ingredients (high levels sodium, preservatives, etc.) used as flavoring agents (spices and sauces) in her family's dishes that were the issue. However, she struggled to find flavorful ingredients that were salt free and healthy. So, she decided to create her own.
She began creating spice blends that her grandmother and family could use. The spices quickly became a hit among family members and Home Beis was born. She knew that her community could also benefit from healthier cooking alternatives. 
She launched Home Beis with products and a mission that encourages people to create memories in the kitchen and at the dinner table. Her main goal is to enrich the home lives of black and brown communities to ultimately help improve their health and life expectancy. It's about time someone shook things up, right?




For us it's all about cooking and sharing. At Home Beis, we curate the great things that allow you to cook and eat thoughtfully, with spice blends, home goods and resources that support purposeful living and enhance your home environment. 

We know that purposeful living goes beyond the kitchen and we're taking on the responsibility of making it better. We're here to help you create the life you truly desire. One that focuses on food, family, and being in the moment. One that reinforces the importance and the value of a joyful home. Your Home Beis is your safe haven and we want to be there to help you enrich the memories in it. 



To be a resource, inspire purposeful living, and educate the community. 



We envision Home Beis as the one place you can explore new recipes shop the kitchenware you need to make them and discuss the results with like-minded people. That same destination can be the go-to when you need a birthday gift for a fellow foodie. The place to look for chic kitchen and home decor for your next gathering. We look forward to your support. Get ready for some inspiration and come chill with us! 

Better yet, follow along our journey by checking out some of our media inclusions.